I'm trying to picture you on sunset,
Calling your name to the other side of the world
Nothing more sad than knowing that...
No one can hear me besides my heart,
And the roaring waves

I picture you standing alone on the beach
Not even my trace on your side
But when my time has come,
I shall call your name,
And I'll be the sea where you always come home to

Dawn on your shoulder
Night before me
And the moon watching me,
Lights my steps ahead
And I keep walking
I will keep walking,
Because I want you to know I'm here...

I'm here...

Looking at you on sunset,
I'm trying to walk on the edge between two worlds
Nothing more beautiful
Nothing that I miss more
Besides you...

I wish you know...

I'm here.

[Picture taken from here]


  1. Replies
    1. That's all? Graaaar~

      Say something more like... how awesome I am looool


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